Difference Between Theory and Law?

Difference Between Theory and Law?

Generally, laws describe what will happen in a given situation as demonstrable by a mathematical equation, whereas theories describe how the phenomenon happens.



So far, the idea seems fantastic that after some time a person will “go digital”: consciousness will remain, but he will no longer need his body. Or that organs will be changed only because artificial ones are more reliable than the “original” ones. But already now we can feel how the brain is changing in the digital world.

Already, immersion in the text is a pleasure not available to everyone. When was the last time you read a book without being distracted by your smartphone?

Claire Handscomby is having attention issues online. In social networks, she follows the links, on the page that opens, reads several lines, skims over the text and goes to another page, which she is also unlikely to read. So she continuously surfs the Internet. Sound familiar?

“On one text, I linger for literally a few seconds – not even minutes – and so on in a circle,” – says Claire Handbowski, 35-year-old graduate of the faculty of creative writing at American University.

Having opened a familiar book, Claire was unable to focus on reading – the problem went beyond the Internet.

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