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How to turn off geolocation on iPhone, Huawei, Xiaomi and Samsung

To protect yourself and not let enemies find you, the first thing to do is turn off geolocation on your phone.
But the main thing that civilians should take care of is security! Here’s how to turn off geolocation on your phone so you can’t be tracked.

Importantly! If you turn off geolocation, applications and services will not be able to access your phone’s location information. Advertising and local results will still be able to be selected for you based on your IP address.

How to turn off geolocation on iPhone
Choose Settings> Privacy, and then turn on Geolocation Services. Select an application, and then turn Exact Geolocation on or off.

How to turn off geolocation on the iPhone
How to turn off geolocation on Huawei

Open Settings, select Security & privacy> Location information, turn Location data access on or off.

How to enable or disable geolocation on Samsung
In the “Settings” menu, find “Google”.
Go to the menu “Location” or “Geodata”.
At the top, switch the function to “Off”.
If you do not want to disable the location tracking feature completely, activate it, and then configure the Detection Method menu.

How to disable geolocation on Samsung

How to turn off geolocation on Xiaomi

Swipe from top to bottom on the screen.
Press and hold the Geolocation icon. If there is no Geolocation icon.
Select Geolocation Location.
Turn Precise Location on or off.

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