How to deal with the First Signs of Aging

First Signs of Aging

A healthy attitude towards your appearance is very useful both here and now and in the future.

After 35, it is no longer enough just to anoint your face with moisturizing or nourishing cream if you want to look younger than your age. Here’s what to do to slow down the aging process.


Include serum in the list of necessary cosmetics. She has a more concentrated composition. In fact, it is a vitamin cocktail for your skin. And is more active. In the evening, half an hour before applying the night cream, use the serum.


Do a face mask at least once a week. Choose according to your skin type. Can be done at home. A nourishing mask with antioxidant vitamins works great.

In addition, once a week, be sure to do a rejuvenating mask. It should include collagen, elastin, B vitamins and hyaluronic acid.


With age, the skin begins to produce collagen more slowly. Therefore, the must-have is an anti-aging cream.

It will help maintain skin elasticity and fight wrinkles, as it helps the skin produce collagen in the right amount.

Makeup remover

Make-up should be removed gently with a hydrophilic oil or an oil-based makeup remover. The fact is that most wrinkles appear just when you start rubbing your eyes to remove makeup.

It is necessary to apply the oil on a cotton pad and hold it on the eye for 5-10 seconds. Then gently remove without rubbing. And then wash as usual.


Be sure to lubricate the decollete area with anti-aging cream, and not just the face and neck. This will keep this seductive part of the body elastic and inviting for a longer time.


Most often, hands give out age. So they need special care. And this is not only a cream, but also scrubbing, moisturizing, mask once a week.


Vegetable juices should certainly be in your diet. Carrot, celery juice, parsley and cabbage. These are the products that will help keep you young.

Scarves for the face

After 35 years, it is better not to use active facial scrubs that help exfoliate the top layer of skin. Opt for softer facial scrubs.

At 25, you are your own beautician. And two types of face creams are enough. Well, maximum three. And one treatment. But after 35, you need to visit a beautician every six months.

And take a course of lymphatic drainage massage. It improves blood circulation, restores skin elasticity and slows down the aging process.

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