New Year in Brazil
New Year in Brazil
In Brazil, New Year is a public holiday that begins at the height of summer, in correspondence with the time of Russian Winter season.
The New Year in Brazil is also known as “Confraternizaçã’ which means “fraternization”, but people usually use another French name that is more common – “Reveillon”.
New Year = 1 Jan 2022
People usually celebrates this day by decorating streets, with multi-colored illuminations, and artificial Christmas trees are decorated with traditional toys. Although all these preparations look somewhere unnatural due to thirty-degree heat.
People usually celebrate the New Year Eve at home, in restaurants or clubs. They also visit at their relatives or friend’s houses to celebrate their special day with their beloved ones on New Year.
On this holiday, Brazilian people usually wears white clothes, exchange gifts with each other that are wrapped in beautiful paper with a gift ribbon on New Year.
People usually wish each other by saying “Feliz Ano Novo!” - “Happy New Year!” and they also drink champagne during the festive fireworks on New Year.