Christmas in Brazil
Christmas Day in Brazil
Normally Catholic countries celebrate Christmas On December 25 every year, which is one of the most significant holidays of the year. Brazilian people also celebrate this day on 25 December every year.
Christmas Day = 25 December 2022
People usually started preparing for Christmas long before the holiday begins. Before Christmas, decorative Christmas trees (Arrow de Natal) appeared in shopping centers, and people used to buy Christmas tree decorations earlier on Christmas day. People usually celebrate this day by lightening candles or by illuminating roads and streets with lights. Even there is such a large number of flash lights that the Christmas Eve seems to be like a super shiny day.
Actually Christmas is celebrated more magnificently than New Year, and On this day, Brazilian Santa Claus - Papai Noel - brings gifts for children Christmas day 2022.
As a tradition it is customary to serve baked pork seasoned with cloves, rice, beans, palmite pie (palm core) on the festive table.