Mother’s Day 2022 in Belgium

Mother’s Day 2022 in Belgium

Belgium celebrates Mother’s Day 2022, on the second Sunday of May Every year, which is a wonderful family holiday.

Mother’s Day = 8 May 2022


Anna Jarvis, who was a young American woman from Philadelphia, took the first move in the memory of her mother in 1907, to honor mothers who had died prematurely. Anna wrote letters to government agencies, the legislatures, and the elite, proposing that one day in a year should be devoted for honoring our mothers Mother’s Day 2022.



Finally, she gained success in 1910, when the state of Virginia established Mother’s Day as a public holiday for the first time. After that many countries started celebrating Mother’s Day. Although, in essence, it is an eternal holiday: from generation to generation, the Mother is the most important person for each of us Mother’s Day 2022.



Undoubtedly, Mother’s Day is one of the most touching holidays, because from childhood until our last days we have another kind of image in our souls - the image of our Mother, who will understand everything, forgive, and, will love selflessly.