Cleanse your face and body properly

Skin cleansing is a procedure that we perform twice a day. You need to get the most out of it!

It would seem that it could be easier than daily washing. This simple procedure brings a feeling of freshness and even freedom, makes the skin radiant, and the complexion healthy, relieves fatigue.

Do you not feel all the above joys of washing? Then let’s figure out how to properly cleanse the skin – both face and body!

You can’t save on skin cleansing, because thoroughly cleansed skin is ready to accept all other manipulations with benevolence, be it moisturizing, nourishing or anti-aging procedures. It is advisable to buy cleansers and make-up removers from the same series as creams.

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Cleansers are specially designed to dissolve exactly those components that are part of other products in the same series. You need to choose cleansers according to skin type and age.

Gel and foam for washing

Cleansing gel and facial wash is the easiest way to cleanse your skin daily. The product is squeezed into the palm of your hand and before applying to the face, lightly whipped with your fingers, and then washed off with water.

You should choose a gel (foam) specifically for your skin type. For example, gel for oily skin is usually fat-free and contains additives that reduce the activity of the sebaceous glands.

Of course, such a gel will only bring harm to normal and dry skin, and unpleasant sensations to you personally. Gel for dry skin contains special additives that soften the skin without leaving a feeling of dryness after washing.

Cleansing lotion

Traditional skin cleanser. Lotions are available for different skin types. For example, cleansing lotions for dry skin are usually alcohol-free and soften and tone the skin. Cleansing lotion cleans pores well, often has the ability to narrow pores.

When using the lotion, the face is wiped with a cotton pad, abundantly dipped in it, not forgetting the lines of the least stretching of the skin.

Cleansing milk

It is the softest and gentlest of all cleansers. Suitable even for skin that does not tolerate contact with water. Some types of milk can also be used to remove eye makeup.

Usually, milk is produced for dry and normal skin, since the product not only gently cleanses cosmetics and natural impurities, but also moisturizes and softens the skin very well. A cleansing cream with a richer consistency has the same properties.

For complete cleansing of the skin, it is usually enough to wipe the face 2-3 times. Then it is recommended to rinse your face with water (preferably mineral water) and wipe the skin with a tonic, which will complete the cleansing process and remove the remnants of salts and minerals contained in the water, giving a feeling of freshness.


This is a clear liquid that must be applied to a cotton swab and wiped over the face. Tonic activates metabolic processes in the skin, that is, makes it fresher and improves complexion. In addition, tonics tighten and close pores, which is especially important for those with oily skin. And thanks to the biologically active substances contained in them, tonics soothe and refresh dry and irritated skin.

Tonic is always applied with cotton pads: pressing firmly on the skin, they wipe the face with them – ascending from the center of the face to the periphery. Tonics are not applied to the skin around the eyes.

Tonic can be used not only after cleansing the skin with milk, but also as an independent remedy for removing dust and sweat from the skin. They also wipe the skin after washing using a gel or foam. In this case, the tonic is needed to remove the salts contained in the water and relieve the feeling of tightness and dryness that sometimes occurs after the use of these cleansers.

Eye cleansers

Such products are used only for removing makeup or evening cleansing of the skin of the eyelids. It is necessary not to rub the eyes with the product, but to dissolve the makeup. To do this, moisten a napkin or cotton pad with a cleanser, apply it to the eyelids and dissolve decorative cosmetics. Then gently remove the rest of the makeup.

Clean Morning

Water is the best hygienic agent for facial skin care. During washing, the cells of the stratum corneum of the skin swell and are rejected along with the dust, dirt, fat, and sweat that have settled on them. Use soft water to wash. Ordinary tap water can be softened by boiling it for an hour and then letting it settle. Another way: dissolve one or half a teaspoon of baking soda in a liter of water.

Do not wash your face with too cold or too hot water. From cold water, the skin becomes dry, begins to peel off. Hot water causes the expansion of blood vessels, because of this, the skin becomes flabby, lethargic, and worse tolerates cold.

Cleansing for dry skin

Dry skin is very susceptible to external irritants, so if you suffer from dryness, wash your face with soft water at room temperature. But use an aggressive cleanser no more than once a week.

A good result for dry skin is washing the face with a decoction of herbs of chamomile, sage, linden blossom, horsetail. You can use a mixture of these herbs, taken in equal amounts, or one of them. Pour two tablespoons of grass with two glasses of hot water, boil over low heat for 5-10 minutes, then cool and strain. Washing with this decoction cleanses the skin, makes it more elastic and tender.

With dry skin, it is necessary to start cleansing the skin in the evening, wiping the face with a cotton swab dipped in vegetable oil, lotion, milk, sour cream, yogurt. Dairy products are very useful: the lactic acid contained in them is very nutritious for any skin, and especially for dry skin. Apply mashed potatoes with milk as a mask for 15 minutes.

Cleansing for oily skin

For oily skin, wash your face morning and evening with any cleanser, cool water in the morning, alternately warm and cool water in the evening. Places of concentration of blackheads should be washed with a soft sponge or cotton swab, saturating them with plenty of soapy foam.

For oily skin, steam baths are very useful. They cleanse the pores and improve blood circulation. In a wide bowl over low heat, brew dry chemist’s chamomile or linden flowers (a tablespoon for half a liter of water). Tilt your cleanly washed face over the dishes with hot broth, cover yourself with a towel. If the decoction is too hot and difficult to breathe, lift the edge of the towel. Take a steam bath for 10-15 minutes, then wipe your face dry. Apply a mask – cleansing or nourishing. After removing the mask, thoroughly rinse your face with cold water to close the pores.

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Cleansing for normal skin
For normal skin, wash your face twice a day, morning and evening. It is preferable to use cleansing cosmetics only in the evening. Skin areas where sebum secretion is reduced (eyelid area, nasolabial folds), immediately after washing, lubricate with a nourishing cream. After 20-30 minutes, remove the remaining cream with a paper towel.

Getting ready for bed
In order for the skin of the face to fully rest at night, you need to follow the simple rules of make-up removal. Arm yourself with milk, eye makeup remover, toner that suits your skin type, cotton pads and buds.

Start removing makeup from the eyes, then move on to the face. Moisten a cotton pad with a special eye makeup remover and remove the shadows in a circular motion – from the nose through the outer corner back to the nose. To remove the mascara, you need to divide the cotton pad into two parts and fold them in half. Place flat side under lower lashes and close eyes. Thus, you will save the area around the eyes from unnecessary friction. Soak cotton swabs in eye makeup remover and swirl the mascara off your lashes.

When cleaning the face from makeup, it is necessary to take into account the massage lines:

from the center of the forehead to the temple,
from nose to temple
from chin to temple.
Apply milk to your face with your fingers, and then along the massage lines, remove it along with makeup with cotton pads. Finally, wipe your face with tonic. Job is done! Your face is now ready for a good rest.

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