PESCO Bill Online Check 2022 / PESCO Duplicate Bill

PESCO Bill Online Check 2022 / PESCO Duplicate Bill


If you’re searching for PESCO bill online, then you stepped into the right place. We’ll provide you every minor detail regarding PESCO bill online. You can get your PESCO bill online with just a single click. Stay with us for more information regarding this.


How to get PESCO Bill Online?

PESCO is one of the best power supply company which supply electricity to a wide range of areas in Peshawar. To provide its customer with convenient and reliable services, PESCO started online bill payment system. If you’re busy with your work and you don’t have enough time to run towards banks for bill payment or if u have misplaced or missed your bill. You need not to worry about it. You can easily check your current bill through our website.

To get your PESCO Bill online, follow these steps:

At first, you must have your previous bill. Find out your 14-digits Reference Number which is at top left corner of your bill. Fill the reference field box with your reference number and then click on “Submit/Download” button. It’ll let you to your current bill. You can also download this bill on your system from this website. Here you can check/pay your bill with a very little effort.

PESCO Duplicate Bill Online

How to generate a copy of your PESCO Bill?

To provide comfort to its customers, PESCO allows to generate a duplicate copy of your bill. You may have lost your current bill or couldn’t receive it due to some reasons. Oh that’s a big problem!

Don’t worry we’re here to help you. You can easily get a duplicate copy of your latest bill on this website. Follow these steps to get a duplicate copy of your latest bill.

At first, enter your 14-digit reference number in reference field

Then Click on “generate a duplicate copy” button

Here you can easily get a printed copy of your bill. Just connect your PC with printer and click on the “print” button

Select layouts and it’ll generate a duplicate copy of your bill. You’re all done.


PESCO stands for

PESCO stands for Peshawar electricity supply company. It supplies power to all areas of Peshawar.

Here is the list of areas under PESCO

PESCO Peshawar



PESCO Hazara-1

PESCO Hazara-2


PESCO Khyber

PESCO Mardan


Other ways to Pay your PESCO Bill Online

PESCO has facilitate its customers with many bill payment services. Customers can also pay their bill through other mobile apps like Easypaisa and Jazzcash in no time without having any trouble.


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