Matric 9th 10th Class Result 2022 Gujranwala Board

10th Class Result 2022 Gujranwala Board

The exams are a great test for the nervous system of graduates and their parents. It is difficult to imagine a person who would not be at all worried about this important, fateful events. After the exams, the most stressful phase starts that is the waiting for the Matric 9th 10th Class Result 2022 Gujranwala Board. The period is normally exhaust the students. Anyways, we are landed on this page for checking the results by the board. As you are also know that there is no update to Matric 9th 10th Class Result 2022 Gujranwala Board. So we should to wait for it and pray to God for good results all of us. As we get some info about results we will share it by this page. So keep in touch with us. There are generally accepted beliefs that only negative emotions and situations cause stress.

Not at all. Stress can be obtained after a long or bright holiday, after winning the lottery or result announcement etc… Although, of course, stress often occurs under the influence of factors with a minus sign. However, nervous and physical stress is caused by any excessive, unusual stimuli, and there is no difference for the body whether these are positive or negative emotions. The main thing is that they are strong, excessive, do not give a person a break. In medicine, stress is talked about when events occurring in a person’s life suppress their ability to cope.

A severe shock causes the release of adrenaline into the blood. And then another portion, and more, and more … And then exhaustion. At first, a decrease in attention, memory - usually this is distraction. Irritation due to dissatisfaction with oneself and others. Sleep disturbances, difficulty falling asleep, nightmares. Then apathy. Unwillingness to do anything. Depression. Thus, stress and depression are interconnected. Under stress, a person becomes restless, irritable, tired, constantly in tension.

He always wants to sleep, or he is not able to sleep at all. He has an insatiable appetite, and he is gaining weight, or food is not at all attractive, and he is losing weight. It can even develop somatic symptoms, such as headache, joint and muscle pain, blurred vision, skin rashes, gastritis, ulcers, or other digestive disorders. All this can also occur with a somatogenic form of depression. And this is not surprising. Stress spurs the body, but it is impossible to always be excited. Following excitement, inhibition of all functions follows, apathy - and depression begins.

And in my last words on this page, I wants to say with you guys that you can get or view very easily the information of the results of others boards of all Pakistan like the result of KPK Boards, Sindh Board and Balochestan & AJK (Azad Jammu Kashmir) Board etc. Because I have included the links of other boards of Pakistan below. I mean to say that if you want to get or view the information of the result of your relative or any other friend who live in another province of pakistan. So you can easily get his result’s information from here.

Punjab Boards:

BISE Lahore Matric Result & Lahore Board Inter Result,

Gujranwala Board Inter Result,

BISE Multan Matric Result & Multan Board Inter Result,

BISE Faisalabad Matric Result, & Faisalabad Board Inter Result,

BISE Sargodha Matric Result, & Sargodha Board Inter Result,

BISE Rawalpindi Matric Result, & Rawalpindi Board Inter Result,

BISE Bahawalpur Matric Result & Bahawalpur Board Inter Result,

BISE DG Khan Matric Result & DG Khan Board Inter Result,

BISE Sahiwal Matric Result & Sahiwal Board Inter Result,

FBISE Federal Board Matric Result & FBISE Federal Board Inter Result

KPK Boards:

BISE Peshawar Matric Result & Peshawar Board Inter Result,

BISE Kohat Matric Result & Kohat Board Inter Result,

BISE Swat Matric Result & Swat Board Inter Result,

BISE Abbottabad Matric Result & Abbottabad Board Inter Result,

BISE Bannu Matric Result & Bannu Board Inter Result,

BISE Mardan Matric Result & Mardan Board Inter Result,

BISE DI Khan Matric Result & DI Khan Board Inter Result,

Sindh Boards:

BISE Karachi Matric Result & Karachi Board Inter Result,

BISE Sukkur Matric Result & Sukkur Board Inter Result,

BISE Hyderabad Matric Result & Hyderabad Board Inter Result,

BISE Larkana Matric Result & Larkana Board Inter Result,

BISE Agha Khan Matric Result & Agha Khan Board Inter Result,

Balochistan & AJK Boards:

BISE Quetta Matric Result & Quetta Board Inter Result,

BISE AJK Matric Result & AJK Board Inter Result


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