What is Voltmeter and How to use it
Voltmeter and its use
A galvanometer having high resistance in series is called a voltmeter. It is used to measure potential difference.
The potential difference across a resistance is directly’ proportional to the current passing through it. As the deflection of the pointer is directly proportional to the current, therefore the deflection of the pointer is directly proportional to the potential difference. A small potential difference produces a full-scale deflection in a galvanometer. In order to measure high potential difference, a high resistance is connected in series with the galvanometer. Most of the potential difference drops across the high resistance. Value of resistor connected in series depends upon the range of the voltmeter. In order to measure the potential difference, a voltmeter is always connected in parallel to the circuit components.
Note: The North American educational system has three levels: the initial link (kindergarten and the first level of the school), the second level of the school, the highest level - the college or university. Depending on the territorial location of the school, the education of children is accepted from 5, 6 or 7 years. In high school students, in addition to compulsory subjects, there are programs to choose from. Thus, students are prepared either for admission to a university or for work. Continue education of the profession can be in the technical school. The US Higher School is represented by 2.5 thousand educational institutions. In college you can get an initial higher education, a bachelor’s degree. While in the university walls are trained and bachelors, and the senior link - masters. In states, four academic degrees are recognized. “Junior specialist” is assigned after graduating from the technical school. Some secondary schools provide training for this category of professionals within the walls of classes. For example, in school you can learn to drive. A bachelor’s degree can be obtained after studying at College or a 3-4-year training course at the University. Master or Master - a specialist after 5-6 years of study at the University. To obtain a doctoral degree, you should additionally conduct a number of scientific research and defend your thesis.