What is Radar and How does it work

What is Radar and its working




Radar stands for Radio Detection and Ranging. It is used to detect and find out the distance of distant object with the help of radio waves.




It consists of a transmitter, a receiver and several indicating devices.




  1. Transmission: The transmitter generates very high frequency electromagnetic waves in the desired direction with the help of a concave antenna.


  1. Receiving: These rays after striking an object are reflected back and are received by the radar antenna. The antenna feeds these rays in the indicating devices.


  1. Processing: The indicating devices measure the time taken by the waves to return. They calculate the wave velocity and finally the distance of the object.


Radar waves can penetrate fog, clouds, haze and smoke.


Note: A vicious circle is formed: there is education and experience, but not the fact that you are lucky with decent work. However, I rely on the experience of only a few familiar people. There were probably cases when after graduation the students went straight to the director, but usually the “helpers” remain in their ranks. Studying at the full-time department , a decent work experience is unlikely to be obtained. In a normal school, weekends are only Saturday and Sunday, and there are very few companies that work on weekends. And even fewer than those who need workers only for these days. Possibilities to get a normal job during the training at the “diaries” are practically none: either you will have to skip studies, which will negatively affect your academic performance, or work only in the evening hours. In any case, work experience in the specialty under such circumstances is unlikely to happen, but employers relate to full-time students with great confidence, rather than to external students (in large firms, in small firms they will be happy with any diploma).

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