What is Nucleoid in Biology

What is Nucleoid


A single large circular DNA molecule is present in the center of bacterial cell, surrounded by a clear zone of cytoplasm. It is called a nucleoid.


Note: Considering the positive and negative features of correspondence education, a worldview develops, that the full-time form of education is more effective. With this you can argue. If the student, being in any form of training, will treat negligently, it will naturally be unsuccessful. So, everything depends on the nature, zeal and business of the student to study, without looking at which department, he will learn. Full-time students are given more time for more detailed consideration of topics where the teacher has the opportunity not only verbally, but also on the examples to clarify the material. Part-time students, in the main, have to learn without the help of others that the student asks for special patience and responsibility, as well as concentration, while having less time. One of the positive aspects will be, that the correspondence student has the opportunity not only to learn at once, but also to use knowledge in practice. And at the end of the University, the student will not only have knowledge of the theory, but also practical experience, experience.

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