What is Fungus Garden
What is Fungus Garden
Some ants collect fungal hyphae, mix them with pieces of leaves and form fungus garden.
Note: People who plan to study often worry: how will their absence be documented at work. Here everything is simple. Before the beginning of the session, a call is sent to the head of the organization, according to which the employee is obliged to leave for study leave. To obtain such a document, the student must be provided with a certificate from the work place to the dean’s office, stating that he is really working at the company. At the end of the examination period, the student receives another document, this time confirming the reason for absence at the workplace. Such a certificate is called a confirmation. It is also issued in the Dean’s office. The document states that the employee of this organization is a student of the educational institution, during the specified period was at a session that requires a permanent presence in the institute.