What is Biochemistry Definition

Biochemistry Definition


Biochemistry is a branch of biology, which deals with the study of chemical components and chemical processes in living organisms.

Note: There is evidence that girls show better results in mathematics and science if they are taught separately from boys, while boys excel in English and foreign languages, learning separately from girls. Of course, it is necessary to take into account the methodological approaches to learning in general, and to each subject in particular, as well as the different age stages at which students are held. Girls usually become much more self-confident when they learn what they really are interested in and like. If modern society wants successful, educated women to be happy in their professional and family life, it is important to understand that the existing differences between boys and girls should not be ignored, but must be taken into account. This is the same as taking into account the opportunities and needs of each individual student so that they develop and flourish, rather than be fettered by social or other prejudices and stereotypes.

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