What are the Characteristics of Angiosperms
Characteristics of Angiosperms
- i) They are vascular plants that bear flowers.
- ii) Their seeds are produced within the fruits.
iii) The fruit protect the developing seed.
- iv) In addition to tracheids they have water-conducting structures called vessels in their xylem.
- v) Their size range is 1mm to 300 feet (eucalyptus).
- vi) Angiosperms may be classified as:
- Herbs are small in size. Their stem are not hard and woody.
- Shrubs are hard woody and wilt. They are shorter than trees.
- Trees have hard woody stem and are taller than the shrubs.
Note: Innovations in the education system include the following: 1. Active use in the education system of information technologies, such as: personal computers; video and audio set-top boxes; case studies, through which the management of educational projects, control of the quality of knowledge etc., is carried out; satellite television; projectors; touch boards and screens. 2. Practical application of new technologies in education, namely: connection to modern automated general education systems, such as: Learning space, eLearning Server, Microsoft Class Server, Distance Learning Studio, Macromedia Author-ware, etc .; the development of multimedia lessons and lectures ; audio and video conferencing; creation of virtual research laboratories; the creation of electronic books, lecture notes, journals and other general electronic manuals; active use of means of communication: e-mail, Skype.