What is Second Equation of Motion

Second Equation of Motion


Second Equation of Motion


According to the definition of the acceleration “The rate of change of velocity is called acceleration”.

i.e. Acceleration = Change of velocity/time

= > a = Vf-Vi/t


at = Vf – Vi




Vf = Vi + at ———–(i)


Substituting The average velocity:


Vav = (Vi + Vf)2 ——–(ii)


The distance covered by the body in a unit:


S = Vav/t


Putting the value of Vav from Equation (ii):


S = (Vi + Vf)/2] * t


Putting the value of Vf from equation (i).


S = [(Vi+Vi+at)/2]*t


S = [(2Vi+at)/2]*t


S = (Vi+at/2}*t


S = (ViT + l/2at2) (Here 2 is The square of the Time “t”. Don’t write this sentence in Examination}


Note: General higher education Before mentioning the emergence of a common higher education, stated about the two trends that exist today in Russian higher education. One of them is liberation from weak universities, and the second – support of strong higher educational institutions. Released places of rectors are occupied by former chiefs from the system. Thus, the Ministry of Education tries to control those universities that must promote new ideas and decisions of the government. In the opinion of one of the participants in the conference, the current situation, connected with the restriction of the freedom of higher educational institutions, is a forced and temporary measure. While the actions of universities will be limited, the freedom of students will increase. Thanks to technological innovations, for example, the development of online education, weak universities will create courses that help the future student to form an educational program of them. To connect education with practice such universities will help strong universities.

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