How do Plants get Minerals

How do Plants get Minerals


Plants absorb water form soil through root hairs. This water contains dissolved salts and minerals. On the basis of need of salts minerals are divided into two types:




Minerals, which are required in higher amounts to the plants, are called macronutrients.





Minerals, which are required in lower amounts to the plants, are called micronutrients.


Note: Training can be different. In higher educational institutions, the full-time, the second most popular form is the correspondence form. With modern technology, distance learning also develops. Some “part-time students” have to choose this form of training, some just dream about it. Compared with the traditional and modern form of correspondence education, its pros and cons. There is an opinion that distance learning is usually very chaotic . It is not very systematic, and students come to classes “snatches”, if they come. A lot of different information falls on the applicant in a short time. Too tight schedule, too many exams and tests at once. You have to memorize a lot to pass the exam in the morning, and the next day – a new one. It is logical that the information is confused, easily forgotten. Knowledge is not fixed in practice and discussions, in class. Teachers also have a heavy load, so they can not present the educational material at the proper level (many important things because of the short deadlines have to be thrown away), it is impossible to give time to each student.

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