List of Important Synonyms and Antonyms for NTS PPSC FPSC
Synonyms and Antonyms for NTS PPSC FPSC
Today we have a plan to share with the most important Synonyms and Antonyms list only for NTS PPSC FPSC students just for their best preparation. As we have normally take educational data from past papers and few authentic different online resources to gather it in a single platform, so that these are easy to findable especially for those who don’t know how to search and find something at Internet. The opportunity to take part in the highest quality or prestigious programs – you can attend courses at the best educational institutions that are conducted by well-known specialists – regardless of where they pass. We have tried to shared all the important Synonyms and Antonyms for NTS PPSC FPSC students here. Anyways, let’s take a look at Synonyms and Antonyms for NTS PPSC FPSC Students.
Q.1.(a) Pick the word that is nearly similar in meaning to the capitalized word. (5)
(Do anyFIVE). Extra attempt of any Part of the question will not be considered.
(a) Bitter (b) Provocative (c) Cheap (d) Volatile
(a) Computers (b) Handwriting (c) Blood pressure (d) Brain waves
(a) Variable (b) Plain (c) Unmistakable (d) Negligent
(a) Conclude (b) End (c) Affection (d) Death
(a) Happy (b) Sneer (c) Causing fire (d) Jolly
(a) Remind (b) A hall (c) At rest (d) Criterion
(vii) VOID
(a) Emptiness (b) Lea (c) Anger (d) Trick
(viii) ESSAY
(a) Direct (b) Compose (c) Attempt (d) Suppose
(b) Indicate the most nearly opposite in meaning to the word in capital letters: (5)
(Do only FIVE). Extra attempt of any Part of the question will not be considered.
(a) Lowly (b) Vile (c) Good (d) Noble
(a) Sorrowful (b) Happy (c) Forbidden (d) Brisk
(a) Preserve (b) Destroy (c) Ravage (d) Design
(iv) ALLY
(a) Alloy (b) Foe (c) Partner (d) Accessory
(a) Coarse (b) Gross (c) Exquisite (d) Obscene
(a) Sham (b) Substantiate (c) Feign (d) Fabricate
(a) Permission (b) Licence (c) Serfdom (d) Bound
(a) Uncorrupt (b) Honourable (c) Principled (d) Profligate
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