What are some Harmful Effects of Bacteria

Harmful Effects of Bacteria


  1. i) Bacteria cause damage of food, clothes and other things in decaying process.


  1. ii) Denitrifying bacteria damage the soil fertility.


iii) Bacteria cause many diseases in plants.


  1. iv) Bacteria cause many diseases in cattle e.g. TB and anthrax.


  1. v) Bacteria cause many diseased in man e.g. T.B whooping cough, diphtheria, typhoid, tetanus, cholera etc.


Note: Many students of correspondence departments during the classes acquire a family. Undoubtedly, in addition to work and study, the complexities of domestic character and the need to spend time maintaining home comfort are added. Often, spouses can share responsibilities so that during the session and at the time of preparing for important control students can fully devote themselves to education without being distracted by domestic problems. And even the news about pregnancy should not frighten and frustrate the couple. Unlike students of full-time forms of study, studying with the future mother, it is not necessary to interrupt education and go on academic leave. Even in a situation where childbirth occurs during the session, it is possible, by providing appropriate certificates to the dean’s office, to skip just one semester, and then make up for lost time. Moreover, teachers and the administration often go to meet pregnant and young mothers.

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