Guess Paper 9th Class English 2021

Most Important Short Questions


  1. What type of land Arabia is?
  2. Why was the holy Quran sent in Arabic?
  3. What was the condition of mankind before the holy prophet (saw)?
  4. What was the first revelation? 5. How will you define patriotism?
  5. What are the qualities of a patriot?
  6. What is the most important function that media performs?
  7. How does media provide entertainment?
  8. Give three reasons in support of your favorite TV program?
  9. Why was Hazrat Abu Quhaffa worried?
  10. How did Hazrat Asma (RA) console her grandfather?
  11. What message do you get from the life of Hazrat Asma (RA)?
  12. She lived a life of hardships but never swerved, comment?
  13. What is the central idea of the poem Daffodils?
  14. What was Quaid’s concept of our nation? 16. What can be the possible solution to our present problems?
  15. How can we become a strong nation?
  16. Why Sultan Ahmed Mosque is also known as Blue Mosque?
  17. How does the interior of the mosque look?
  18. Who constructed the Mosque Sophia?
  19. What does Royal Kiosk mean?
  20. Why does the speaker stop on the darkest evening of the year?
  21. Why did the nurse ask Hira’s sister to come and talk to her?
  22. Describe some qualities of the personality of the nurse in the story?
  23. Why did the nurse say “ Where there is will, there is a way”?
  24. What are the effects of drug addiction?
  25. What are the causes of drug addiction?
  26. What is the role of counseling in the prevention of drug addiction?
  27. How do you define noise pollution?
  28. How is transport a source of noise pollution?
  29. How is the use of technology causing noise pollution?
  30. Why is noise hazardous for human health?
  31. Who was Helen Keller?
  32. What did she want to introduce in universities and why?
  33. What makes you feel that authoress is sad and depressed?


FEw of us also have some negative thoughts about education which is not a good thing.

– Higher education does not teach business creation. That’s right. And such a task does not stand before him. Yes, there are “business schools”, but this is on the conscience of their creators. Not a single normal economic and financial university says that it teaches you how to create a business. About medical, technical, agricultural universities and say nothing. And financial freedom can be achieved without your own company.

– Higher education does not teach investing and money management. It is truth too. Although a good financial education certainly does not interfere with this. Buffett and Soros are examples of this. Personally, financial and mathematical preparation helps me a lot in understanding some aspects of investments and analyzing financial instruments.

– A standard set of items. There is a program, it should be studied by all students, regardless of their inclinations and interests. True if you are aiming for a red diploma. Otherwise, nothing prevents you from studying the necessary subjects, and from the “unnecessary” to learn the necessary minimum for passing the exam and credit.

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