Why Gaseous Exchange is Important in Living Organisms
Why Gaseous Exchange is Important in Living Organisms
The exchange of gases is necessary because:
- i) When organism get oxygen from environment to oxidize their compounds. In this process Co2 is produced which is harmful for body. Therefore this must be expelled out from the body.
- ii) Aerobic organisms take up oxygen form environment and eliminate Co2 from their bodies to the environment.
iii) The exchange of gases between organisms and environment form the first stage of aerobic respiration.
Note: Extracurricular activities. Almost every job requires not only special knowledge, but also developed personal skills. Advantages of the leader can be shown by participating in the work of the student council of the faculty or university: the experience of organizing events, the notorious work in the team and the ability to get what you want from the bosses (the dean or the rector) will become not just standard lines in the summary column “About Me”, but will also have under a real basis. There are a lot of opportunities: the editing of the faculty newspaper, the administration of the site of the department or faculty, the creation of posters for events, participation in sports teams and a choir or orchestra - at the university they study not only at lectures. Disappointment . Part of the students sooner or later comes to the conclusion that they have wrongly chosen the faculty, which is why the motivation falls sharply. Help here can either re-entry to another university, or the choice of another program for the next stage of education, or concentration on activities other than study. If this is not possible, then it is morally very difficult to graduate to an unloved profession.