What is Force of Attraction in Physics

What is Force of Attraction


When two charges attract each other the force is called force of attraction, It has a negative sign


Note: Distance learning is suitable for those who can not study even in absentia. It happens that there is simply no opportunity to attend an educational institution, each of them can have its own reasons. So you can get knowledge anytime and anywhere. No restrictions in space and time. In addition, you will have constant access to educational materials, as you will be provided with them in electronic form. The student himself sets the necessary pace of work, choosing the study of those disciplines that he needs. At the same time, there is always the opportunity to consult with the teacher online. But the teacher will perform only the role of assistant, and the training will take place in an independent form. Both distance learning and distance learning have their advantages. If you have the opportunity to visit the university at least several times a year, then, of course, it is worth choosing the first option, because the Internet will never replace you live communication. But if there is no possibility, then it’s worth taking a distance course. Your life will become more interesting, you will learn something new and every day you will practice self-improvement, which is very important!

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