Difference between Longitudinal and Transverse Waves
Longitudinal and Transverse Waves
Longitudinal Waves:
- In longitudinal waves, particles of the medium vibrate in the direction of the waves.
- The portion of wave in which particles of medium are very close to each other is called compression.
- Examples of longitudinal waves are sound wave and seismic waves.
- Distance between the centre of two compressions and rarefactions is called wave-length.
Transverse Waves:
- In transverse waves, particles of the medium vibrate in the direction perpendicular to the direction of wave.
- The portion in which particles of medium are higher than their normal position is called crest.
- Examples of transverse wave are microwaves and radio waves.
- Distance between two crests and troughs is called wavelength.
Note: Correspondence form of training every year becomes more and more popular, because it opens before the students all the opportunities for self-study combined with the advantages of full-time study. For distance learning is characteristic phase, when the knowledge base is first acquired and specialized literature is studied, and then the level of knowledge obtained is checked. Accordingly, the success of training depends only on the desire to master your profession. Features of the transition to distance learning. Usually students are transferred in the summer, after practice, during a short vacation. When transferring to a paid correspondence course, there is usually no problem - just write an application addressed to the rector, talk with the deputy dean or dean, and formalize the transfer to the correspondence department. Difficulties if they arise, it is extremely rare, because all the issues in this case are solved in a financial equivalent.