Definition of Flexor Extensor

Definition of Flexor Extensor


Flexor and Extensor:




Bending of arm at elbow joint is called flexion and the muscle that causes this movement is called flexor.




Straightening of arm at elbow joint is called extension, and the muscle that causes this movement is called exterior.


Note: First, let’s look at the day department, which is often chosen by high school students. So, the pluses and minuses of the daily form. Studying this way, you will get a full theoretical and practical knowledge base. You will go deeper into the educational process, learn more about your future profession, you will be able to practice in the enterprise, in fact, learn the features of your future work; You will know all the delights and joys of the students. Residing in a hostel, new friends, lectures, practice at the enterprise, opportunities to go on excursions, preparation and the organization of competitions. This is only a small fraction of what students in a full-time department are able to learn in one academic year; An experience. You can get it by going through the practice at the production, getting acquainted with the duties that you will perform at this work. You can find out if this specialty suits you, whether you like it and want to continue this path.


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