Define Newton Corpuscular Theory of Light
Newton Corpuscular Theory of Light
This theory which was proposed by Newton is as follows:
Light is emitted from a luminous body in the form of tiny particles called corpuscles.
The corpuscles travel with the velocity of light.
When corpuscles strike the retina they make it sense light.
Medium is necessary for the propagation of light.
Velocity of light is greater in denser medium.
Note: There are, besides these two basic rules, and, so-called, “overdosed”. It does not contain anything supernatural. The point is that always and everywhere you need, above all, to remain honest and decent. If to speak conditionally, then this overhead represents a certain synthesis from all previously designated and diluted by a number of other recommendations. The student may be, at first glance, just perfect: not to be rude to the teacher, to be executive, but his appearance may repel his inaccuracy, and behavior - duplicity, falsity and dishonesty. We hope that you do not belong to the category of people who, at first glance, do everything right, but in the end there is the impression that they do not finish much. This behavior is typical for those who like to “stick” to the victories of other people, or to appropriate someone else’s work, and then extradite him for their own. Speaking in general terms, we are talking about the most real rogues who live and act only for their own good.