Character Sketch of Beatrice in Rappaccini’s Daughter

Character Sketch of Beatrice

Rappaccini‟s Daughter is a tragic love story, and Beatrice is its heroine. She plays an important role in explaining the theme or back ground idea of this fantasy. She was the only daughter of Dr. Rappaccini. God had made her the paragon of beauty and physical grace.


She was also an embodiment of innocence, sweetness and purity. Her voice was as enchanting as the “sunshine in the south”. Her sweetness of temperament and magical face had made her famous in the whole town of Padua.


Beatrice is the only daughter of Prof. Rappaccini. She is young and beautiful. Her father‟s inhuman lust for knowledge has turned her into a poisonous human being. Her breath can kill. She hates her father’s science, but loves him too much to defy him.


So she becomes his agent of destruction by helping him in his work. She looks after the garden. But her father’s love for destruction cannot infect her. She remains a deeply human character. She knows her misfortune, but wishes to live a healthy normal life.


She wishes to be loved, but finds it impossible to go against her father’s cruel will. She dies a tragic death in trying to test the effect of Baglioni’s cure. Her last words reflect her true nature. She is a purely human character in spite of the inhuman teachings of her father. Her innocence and her sufferings make her a lovable character. So, her death comes as a shock.


Beatrice is the only daughter of Prof. Rappaccini. She is young and beautiful. Her father‟s inhuman lust for knowledge has turned her into a poisonous human being. Her breath can kill. She hates her father’s science, but loves him too much to defy him.



Note: I believe that education is necessary. Who does not need higher education? Those who are engaged in their favorite business and at the same time for your business diploma is not needed. Someone is making crafts, someone is writing fairy tales, somebody is repairing bikes, some are selling their crafts, some are raising children, some are building a business. Why do you need education that is not yours? Not for what. You personally do not need it, that’s all. Just like you do not need a sheepskin coat and felt boots, if you live in the tropics and you have a 30-degree heat all year round. The sheepskin coat and felt boots are a good thing, but you personally do not need them.


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