BSC Spectroscopy Guess Paper 2021
BSC Spectroscopy Guess Paper
Most Important Questions of Spectroscopy
- What is spectroscopy? Discuss the various types of spectroscopy with respect to electromagnetic radiation.
- What arc electromagnetic radiations? Name different parts of them. How can different parts of electromagnetic radiations be differentiated.
- Define the Beer-Lambert law. Give their limitations.
- Explain the difference between:
(a) Allowed transition and forbidden transition.
(b) Chromophore and auxochrome.
(c) Bathochromic shift and hypsocluomic shift.
- Describe the various parts of a.uv-visible spectrometer- and their working.
- How will you measure the concentration of KMn04 solution by uv-visible spectroscopy?
- How is IR spectrometer different from a uv-visible spectronieter?
- Discuss the vibrational modes of molecules responsible for an IR spectrum.
- Give the IR stretching wave number of C- N, C=0, N-H and O-H groups.
- Discuss the interpretation of different peaks of 1-hexene.
- Write down the applications of uv-visible and IR spectroscopy.