BA English Essay All in One
Essay All in One
We are going to share with you the notes for different classes as mention above just for the help of our students, so that they can perform best in exams and in the near future, they can become good citizen of our society and take part in the development of our country. Would you like to read the notes or you can download them into your computer for offline learning. Students should take keen interest in study because they are the future of our country. See Below:-
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BA English Short Stories Notes
Note: With such training, the student does not have an individual schedule, he must obey a certain schedule, which is planned in the university. And yet he does not have to spend most of his day at the monitor, because in a live communication format that requires the student’s attendance, only seminars are held. All other materials the student can study when it suits him. However, the distance form of instruction requires a student to have great discipline, perseverance and willpower. Nobody will be forced to study here, but all control, tests, exams and coursework at the end of the semester will have to be handled anyway. Each student is assigned a curator who will help him in training and answer questions on the organization of the whole process. Teachers usually also allocate time at least once a month for consultations on the subject. You can come to the city where the university is located, for full-time consultations, but this is not necessary. Obligatory presence of the student is usually required in the university only during the passing of state examinations and defense of the thesis.