What is Assimilation of Digested Food
Assimilation of Digested Food
The products of digestion are finally absorbed through the lining of small intestine into the blood stream and become a part of the cell components this is called assimilation. Blood carries these products to each part of the body. On reaching the cells they produce energy in the form of ATP. Excess energy is stored in the form of glycogen in the liver and muscle cells. This is used when people do heavy labour.
Note: Modern realities quickly change the market’s conjecture. Previously demanded specialties become unnecessary. And if universities provide a wider range of application of knowledge, colleges are more highly specialized. There are many examples. During the Soviet period a giant plant was built. For its development, funds for development have been allocated, a research institute has been built, a technical school for the supply of personnel. In the 90’s the plant was sold for scrap metal. Specially trained people who have been practicing here gave their jobs to dozens of years, remain unnecessary and to find applications for the skills they received in the college, they will not help much. Therefore it is very important to know whether the chosen specialty will be in demand. Having tasted an independent life, work on the specialty, the first money, obtained independently, not all students continue their studies in universities. Without looking at a stronger relationship with institutions and universities, most college graduates do not continue their education.