2nd Year Urdu Guess Paper 2021 Lahore Board
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Urdu Compulsory Guess 2020
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2nd Year Urdu Guess Paper 2020, Inter Part 2 Urdu Guess Paper 2020, 12th Class Urdu Guess Paper 2020, Urdu Guess Paper Inter Part II, Inter Part ii Urdu Guess 2020
Note: When submitting an application, applicants also need to fill out and submit in English such documents as a Letter of Inquiry, a Cover Letter, a Grant Proposal and some others. Unfortunately, in technical universities the number of obligatory hours allocated for the study of a foreign language is negligible (3 hours per week for 1 and 2 courses in non-language schools, according to the existing state educational standard). Naturally, the course of teaching a foreign language in a technical university does not give proper attention to written speech, and in particular to the specifics of compiling business letters. The lack of written speech skills in a foreign language makes it very difficult for students or postgraduates to work on the application, which, in turn. Perhaps the most difficult and important document when preparing an application for participation in an international grant is the drafting of a Statement of Purpose Letter, in which it is necessary to clearly, briefly and logically justify the need for the object of study, determine the ultimate goal and personal contribution of the applicant. With such a task it is quite difficult to cope in your own language, not to mention the correctness of the choice of linguistic tools in English.