2nd Year Geography Guess Paper 2021

Inter Part II Geography Guess 2021


2nd Year Geography Guess Paper


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2nd Year Geography Guess Paper 2020, Inter Part 2 Geography Guess Paper 2020, 12th Class Geography Guess Paper 2020, Geography Guess Paper Inter Part II, Inter Part ii Geography Guess 2020



Note: The structure of the economies of Western countries has undergone significant changes in connection with the increasing role of industries based on human capital and the decline in the importance of extractive and processing industries. The same direction is also the globalization of the world economy, where innovation, ideas, mastery and knowledge become the main instruments of competitiveness. The preservation and development of the knowledge base is possible only with a high level of education of the labor force and its good professional training, which is inextricably linked with the growth of investments in this sphere of the economy. When investing in science and education, professional development of the workforce, it is necessary to take into account the characteristic features of this type of costs. First, investment in education not only affects the development of creative abilities, professionalism, the enhancement of the social status of each individual, but also affects the reproduction of the intellectual and spiritual potential of society as a whole.

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