Write Short Note on Haemophilia

Short Note on Haemophilia


  1. i) It is also called King’s disease.


  1. ii) It is genetic or hereditary disease.


iii) In this disease blood do not clot after wounds or blood flow.


  1. iv) In this case it is difficult to stop flow of blood which may cause death.


Note: Now the content of school education is a small “box” in which we want to fit as much information as possible. This leads to the fact that students reproduce data well, but they do not know how to think like scientists, analyze processes and facts, and conduct experiments. There is a large gap in the quality of education between countries, but the country’s poverty for the child should not be a fate that can not be overcome - the opportunity for high results should be around the world. The teacher should become independent and learn from the experience of colleagues, because the results of research show that the more teachers interact with each other, the more effectively they work. State systemic control over the work of teachers should disappear, because teachers should be interested in self-development and raising their own qualifications, and excessive strict supervision is a negative impact on the development of ongoing processes in education.

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