What is Reproduction and its Importance

Reproduction and its Importance


Reproduction is a biological process by which living things produce their young ones of their own kind.




  1. i) It ensures the survival and continuity of a species.


  1. ii) It helps the organism to adapt itself to the changing environment.



Note: You take the student’s staff without experience of working as an assistant to the sales manager of cars. His responsibilities will include: demonstrating the goods and consulting clients, organizing test drives, offering related services to customers. In this case, the condition for his promotion through the career ladder to the position of “manager” will be achievement in 6 months of the following results: Studying of models of the cars realized in salon, and also accompanying services and the goods and delivery of theoretical examination; Absence of mistakes in execution of documents accompanying the transaction; Development of professional skills of consulting clients and passing the appropriate practical exam; Achieving a certain financial indicator for deals made. Each of the listed items should have clear indicators of its achievement. For example, a theoretical examination is considered passed if the employee has scored a certain number of points. A practical exam is evaluated by an internal trainer or HR specialist. Of course, the guarantee of effectiveness of the evaluation procedure will depend entirely on the degree of its thoughtfulness and compliance with practical conditions.


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