What are Joints and its Types

Joints and its Types


Joints and their Types:




The place where two bones meat is called joint.




Joints are of three types which are as under:


Immovable joints:


These joints do not show any kind of movement e.g. joint in skull bones.


Slightly movable joints:


These joints show little movement e.g. vertebrae column.


Freely movable joints:


These joints show free movement. They have two types:


  1. i) Ball & Socket Joints:


These are the joints of shoulder and the hip.


  1. ii) Hinge Joints:


These are the joints of elbow and knee.


Note: Was it wasted time? After all, the same course, only more substantial, shortened, is given on the part-time form of training in a much shorter period. You will write lectures, and study the theory, when your peers may already know the basics of the profession, and receive real wages; Higher cost than distance learning; Inability to harmoniously combine study or work, in case you have to go to the enterprise. The same goes for the family. It’s unlikely that you will be able to study on a full-time form if you have a baby. Often, the girls are trying to get an Academic leave. And this, again, wasted time. Now about the correspondence form of training. Advantages and advantages. You can not lose an extra academic year, in the case of not enrolling in the full-time form of study; You can already start successfully build your professional life, climb the career ladder; Significantly lower cost for the academic semester and in general for the whole academic year. In fact, half of the cost in day time; No age restrictions. You can go to school, both in 18 and in 38 years. And this is a huge plus for those who did not want to study in their youth, and wants to make up for lost time.


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