What are the Types of Strain in Physics

Types of Strain in Physics


Following are some types of strain.


  1. Tensile Strain: It is a change in length divided by original length.


  1. Bulk Strain: It is the change in volume divided by original volume.


  1. Shear Strain: It is equal to the angular displacement produced.


Note: To have means of training, which is understood as educational information entered into the relevant databases; use information technology to process this information; have appropriate information and telecommunications networks to transmit information and provide indirect interaction between the teacher and the student. Choosing for yourself a remote method of education should pay attention to 2 important points: whether the educational organization - the school, the technical school, the college, the university - has technical conditions and a highly professional teaching staff, which ensure the implementation of educational programs through e-learning. whether training in the chosen profession, direction or specialty is allowed in the remote mode. To do this, you need to familiarize yourself with a special federal list, according to which e-learning is impossible in whole or in part. The effectiveness of the use of distance educational technologies is largely determined by the ratio of their merits and shortcomings.

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