How does Plasmodium enter the Body of a Mosquito

How does Plasmodium enter the Body of a Mosquito


It is carried through a female Anopheles mosquito from a patient of malaria.


Note: Education is a highly heterogeneous sphere. On the one hand, hundreds of thousands of children annually choose a specialty , having graduated from the 11th grade; on the other hand, a comparable number of people receive a secondary special education, refresher courses or receive advanced training. The age of students can vary from 17 to 50 years, and the salary level after receiving the document on education is directly related to the current social status of a person, his family and personal ties. Nevertheless, we still want to know how many people use the diploma. And it can be done - approximately, but not more than that. At the same time, it is possible to touch on related issues that have a semi-legendary status in the society. No, in all areas, their problems. In some, salaries are small, as, for example, in state employees; in others there are few vacant seats, because the demand is already satisfied, and the crisis has not ended in the yard. It’s interesting to look at management - a year ago the demand for specialists in St. Petersburg here was three orders of magnitude higher than the demand for translators, only the managers themselves fled, who was afraid of the competition, which they tell about from the TV. So each employee has his own advantages and his own obstacles to success.

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