Islamiat Elective/iKhtiari Guess Paper for 10th Class 2021

Islamiat Elective/iKhtiari Guess for 10th Class


Islamiat Elective Guess for Matric

Islamiat Elective/iKhtiari Guess Paper for 10th Class 2018


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The coverage of the student population by the higher education system is about 9.5% and is low by regional and international standards, sharply contrasting with the situation at the primary and secondary levels of the educational system, in which almost 100 percent coverage of the population is ensured. If the global trend is to increase the coverage of higher education, the reverse process is observed in Uzbekistan: a decrease of 9% over the past 25 years. For comparison: coverage in higher education in the Republic of Korea is 95%, in China - 39%, in Russia - 79%, in Kazakhstan - 46%.

A serious problem is the mismatch of the education system with the needs of the economy. According to a World Bank study, 35% of companies in Uzbekistan have difficulty finding qualified specialists with higher education. The deficit reaches almost 50% in industrial enterprises. The main reason for the difficulty, according to employers, is the “insufficient number of specialists” in the labor market.

Weak interaction between high school and business. The low level of enrollment in higher education, the quality of acquired competencies and skills and the insufficient level of their compliance with the requirements of innovative development, the weak relationship between employers, the real sector and business hinder the possibilities of introducing innovations and adapting new technologies.

The low level of use of information technologies remains both in terms of expanding access and in terms of using new teaching methods. The widespread use of ICT tools will allow with much greater flexibility and lower costs to choose courses for training, to master the content of the relevant specialties provided by higher education.

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