What is Internal Energy of a Body in Physics
Internal Energy of a Body
Internal Energy of a body is the sum of all kinetic and potential energy of all molecules constituting the body.
Note: Distance education saves time for potential students or listeners, reduces their financial costs associated with moving to a place of study, which, taking into account the size of our country, is a very significant plus; The organization of e-learning is beneficial for educational organizations (schools, colleges, universities) and for organizations that conduct educational activities (for example, corporations, banks, etc.), because this significantly saves the costs of the educational process. Especially this approach is suitable for corporate training. Distance education is profitable from the state point of view, since two very important social principles are realized here: equality and accessibility. In general, distance education has more advantages than disadvantages and it can be very effective in the presence of appropriate technological conditions and the readiness of the teaching staff to work qualitatively in a new mode for themselves.