Important Questions of Money Banking And Finance B.Com Part 1
Important Questions of Money Banking
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Money Banking and Finance B.Com Part 1 Guess Paper 2018
Note: The number of places for admission at the expense of the federal budget, the budget of the subject of the Federation, the local budget in accordance with the approved control figures, including the number of places for targeted admission; the number of places for admission under contracts with physical and (or) legal entities with payment of their tuition fees (in excess of the control figures); the list of entrance examinations (names of subjects and forms of holding) and the system of assessments of entrance examinations (with the selection of varieties of the vocational education program / full or shortened training term), as well as for applicants entitled to enroll in an educational institution of secondary vocational education tests with decreasing the number and (or) changing the form of the introductory tests); programs of entrance tests; reception rule and the number of places in dormitories allocated for out-of-town students. The very word “magistracy” is far from new. In ancient Rome, the magistracy was the general title of public office, a person holding a similar position was called a magistrate. From 1720 until the judicial reform of 1864 in there was a governing body, known as a magistrate. In our country, the magistrate performed administrative and judicial functions. Master’s degree has been used in universities since the Middle Ages. In the modern educational system, a master’s degree is called the second stage of higher education.