I com Part 1 Usool e Mashiyat Guess Paper 2021
I com Part 1 Usool e Mashiyat Guess Paper
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1st Year Sociology Guess Paper 2020, Inter Part 1 Sociology Guess Paper 2020, 11th Class Sociology Guess Paper 2020, Sociology Guess Paper Inter Part 1
Note: In the pedagogical literature devoted to the study of the problem of self-education, various definitions are given for this type of activity. On the one hand, self-education is “a purposeful systematic cognitive activity controlled by the personality itself, serving to improve its education, it is a continuous continuation of general and professional education, through which knowledge is updated and expanded, gaps in the spiritual development of man are filled. On the other hand, self-education is seen as “a kind of free activity of the individual (social group), characterized by its free choice and aimed at meeting the needs for socialization, self-realization, raising the cultural, educational, professional and scientific levels, enjoyment and enjoyment. Self-education is a truly free and, at the same time, the most complex kind of educational activity, because it is connected with the procedures of self-reflection, self-assessment, self-identification and the development of skills to independently acquire the actual knowledge and transform it into practical activity. Given the diversity of definitions of self-education, we can identify some of its significant features, such as: independent search for additional information, the acquisition of knowledge, the continuation of development.