Guess Paper 10th Matric Class Pakistan Studies 2021
Guess Paper for 10th Class Pakistan Studies
Pak Studies 10th Guess Paper
SHORT Question
- Chptr=5 Q#1,2,5,6,8.
- Chp6=Q#1,3 ,5,6,8,9
- Chp7 Q#3,4,5 ,7,9.
- Chp.8 Q#1,2,3,5,6,7.
LONG Question
- Chp.7 Q#1,4,5,9.
- Chp.8 Q#1,2,3,5
- Chp.5 Q#3,5,7.
- Chp.6 Q#1,4,6,12.
Pakistan Studies Complete Guess Papers for Matric
Note: A student who studies remotely can independently decide when and how much time during the semester he is given to study the material. He builds for himself an individual training schedule. Some educational institutions allow their students to postpone training for a long period and return to it without having to pay for educational services again. Students do not need to worry about distance from their classmates remotely. You can always return to the study of more complex issues, watch video lectures several times , read the correspondence with the teacher, and you can skip already known topics. The main thing is to successfully pass the intermediate and final attestations. Students can learn, without leaving home or office, from anywhere in the world. To start learning, you must have a computer with Internet access. The lack of the need to visit the educational institution on a daily basis is a definite plus for people with disabilities, for those living in hard- to -reach areas , serving sentences in places of deprivation of liberty, parents with small children.