Guess Paper 10th Matric Class Math 2021
Guess Paper Matric Math
Chapter # 6
Exercise # 6.1
- Question # 5
Exercise # 6.2
- Question # 5,6,8,13(exercise example 1,2,3,4)
Exercise # 6.3
- Question # 6,7
Chapter # 7
Exercise # 7.2
- Question # 4,5,9,10
Exercise # 7.3
- Question # 7,9
Exercise # 7.4
- Question # 11,19,20,18,21,23,8
Exercise # 7.5
- Question # 1,2,3,4,5,6
Important theorems
- Chapter # 9-2, 3,4.
Complete Math Guess Papers for Matric
Teach through association, using mnemonics, training exercises. Associative learning leads to accurate reproduction and understanding.
Use the dialogue method: discussion, debate, cooperation, joint knowledge building.
Create an educational environment for “learning to learn” in the classroom, in the audience.
The key factors determining the benefits of the educational process are:
understanding of the learning process by students;
understanding of what to teach;
an idea of how to structure the educational process;
how to evaluate the effectiveness of training;
What is the average percentage of retention of information received, knowledge of students - 5% - a lecture; 10% - reading: 20% - audio - visual; 30% - demonstration; 50% - discussion; 75% - practice; 90% - knowledge transfer.