What Are Some Effects of Drugs on the Nervous System

Effects of Drugs on the Nervous System


  1. i) Excessive or harmful social case of drug is considered as drug abuse.


  1. ii) Drug abuse effect many people, their families.


iii) Many drugs are harmful to brain and causes loss of memory, weakening of nerves etc.


  1. iv) The excessive use of alcohol can cause stomach problems. It can also effect on lungs and liver.


  1. v) Drugs can also effect on gametes, which result in abnormal children.


  1. vi) Drugs also affect the general health of a person.


Note: In order to write such an individual characteristic, of course, you need to know the student personally, and you still need to know why this script was required to him, since the description is sometimes written for the student for the most unexpected purposes. There are two types of characteristics : general and one that is issued after passing the practice. The first is produced by an educational institution and presented on demand to the place of work and when the student is transferred to another university or to another faculty. The second, on the contrary, can be requested at the university from the place of practice. Structure and content of the general characteristic. Usually in higher education institutions there are special forms for characteristics, they can be requested in the training department or the dean’s office. If so and you, then you are lucky - the task is simplified. In the so-called head part, the address, telephone number and name of the institution are indicated, from where this certificate is provided. Further, in the form of a profile, the principal data of the student is reported: the full name, the full date of birth, the faculty, the course and the group, the year of admission to the university.


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