Difference between Resistance and Conductance in Physics

Difference between Resistance & Conductance




  1. Resistance is the measure of opposition by the conductor to the flaw of charge.


  1. It is the reciprocal of the conductance and is measured in volt per ampere or ohm,




  1. Conductance of a wire is the ease with which current flows in it.


  1. It is the ratio of current and potential difference. Its unit is ampere per volt or Siemens.


Note: In the first case, teachers lecture, provide a plan - summaries, give topics of coursework, abstracts and approximate questions for the exam, and also produce a thorough preparation of the student for the upcoming session. that the valuable employee should be released more, than for a month though this educational leave is not included in calculation with usual holiday. That is, an employee may not be in the workplace for more than two months. Such prospects do not please employers. So, the student learns six years instead of the traditional five, but the university also visits much less often, namely during the installation session and during the examination period. In the first case, teachers lecture, provide a plan - summaries, give topics of coursework, abstracts and approximate questions for the exam, and also produce a thorough preparation of the student for the upcoming session. that the valuable employee should be released more, than for a month though this educational leave is not included in calculation with usual holiday. That is, an employee may not be in the workplace for more than two months. Such prospects do not please employers.

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