Definition of Physics in English

What is Physics


Physics is a branch of science centered on the study of matter, energy, the connection between them.


Note: Not just say that education serves as a kind of foundation in a person’s life. What kind of education he received, how he managed to dispose of them - such a life will be. Now our compatriots are increasingly turning their attention to receiving education abroad. And there are several reasons for this - the ever weakening Russian education and the diplomas of universities are far from everywhere, the desire to provide their children with a brighter future. Of course, the issue of choosing an educational institution and abroad, it is necessary to approach very responsibly. It is twice as responsible to consider the advantages and disadvantages of education abroad. Once in a foreign country, and even at school, which implies a complete immersion in the culture, customs, color and atmosphere of the country for a long period of time, the student willfully learn to be independent and take responsibility for their actions, that is, yesterday’s “mama’s son” with every minute of stay in the country will grow up and become a real unrelated person.

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