Chapter Wise Notes of Urdu
Chapter Wise Notes
We are going to share with you the notes for different classes as mention above just for the help of our students, so that they can perform best in exams and in the near future, they can become good citizen of our society and take part in the development of our country. Would you like to read the notes or you can download them into your computer for offline learning. Students should take keen interest in study because they are the future of our country. See Below:-
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10th Class Islamiat Notes in Urdu
Note: The share of elite layers in society is generally more or less constant. And, as a rule, does not exceed 10 percent of the total. And often it is even smaller - 2-3 percent. This circumstance is also due to the biological factor: only a limited number of people have certain abilities. No power in the world will be able to turn a third of the population into masters of sports. For example, no more than 4 percent of the population has entrepreneurial abilities. I do not think that the proportion of people able to master the level of knowledge, qualitatively different from the general, greatly exceeded this figure. You can open the university in every yard or declare higher educational institutions of vocational schools, but still we will not receive real scientists and intellectuals in this way. With the hypertrophied swelling of the sphere of higher education, up to a third of the population became holders of diplomas. In fact, highly educated people, as there were three percent, remained. It is not a problem to get a Ph.D. now if you have money. A person who wrote one dissertation can write ten. But it makes no sense to attempt to declare a certain level of education “absolutely” supreme. It is higher because it qualitatively differs from the lower one.