Why Bryophytes are called Amphibians of Plant Kingdom

Why Bryophytes are called Amphibians


Although bryophytes have mostly dispensed with water, still they need water for sexual reproduction because their male gametes are flagellated and motile. For this reason the bryophytes are also called amphibious plants.


Note: Correspondence education allows you to learn without stopping the main activity. On such training, students themselves master the curriculum, self-study is supposed. The session is held twice a year - first students attend lectures, and then take exams, according to the training schedule. It is also worth remembering that on a full-time form of education you can study for an economist for four years, and in absentia it will take five years. However, such training does not depend on the brutal schedule of educational lectures and examinations, while full-time students can not afford this. The advantages of distance learning can be attributed to the cost - it usually costs much less than full-time. The age of students is not limited, in contrast to the full-time department. With this form of training is extremely convenient to earn and receive knowledge at the same time. In addition, with the correspondence form of training it became much easier to get a second higher education. There is no need to make a choice: work or study. Usually, part-time students are adults who already have one education and work experience behind them. Therefore, the correspondence department is also an opportunity to be in the circle of experienced people, to receive from them invaluable experience and advice.

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