What is British Thermal Unit in Physics
British Thermal Unit in Physics
It is the amount of heat that is required to rise the temperature of 1 pound of pure water from 63F To 64F.
Note: External universities would be strange and unusual did not look specificity of this training, but in fact it has quite significant advantages that play a positive role for the student. First, the student has more free time, since he is completely free from visiting the university. That is, he may not come to lectures and practical classes, which in the usual form of training occupy almost the entire time of the student. So do those students who combine their studies with external work or a second higher education. If you conduct a mass survey, they all say that it is very convenient, because you can learn at the same time as work. Secondly, there is no need to confuse external studies with extramural studies. Undoubtedly, both these forms are similar in many respects, but in a purely practical approach they differ radically. Externate involves studying the program for a minimum period, while the correspondence form of education on the contrary has a longer training period than on a daily basis.