9th Class Guess Papers for all Subjects

9th Class Guess Papers for All Punjab Boards

Most of the people think that to prove the uselessness of higher education, they usually resort to links to authorities: look at how many people have achieved success without having an education! Bill Gates, Paul Allen, Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak, Henry Ford, Richard Branson … All of them either did not study or dropped out of high schools. Unfortunately, no matter how long this list is, it does not prove anything.

Firstly , the list of successful people with higher education will be more authentic. If we are talking about finance, then the most successful investors had not just a higher education, but a higher financial education: Warren Buffett, George Soros, Peter Lynch. There are many similar people in the business world. Google is generally the thesis of Brin and Page. Who knows, if they left the university, we would still use the search from Yahoo … Secondly , the research itself on the connection between education and financial success was done in the style of “British scientists.” It is impossible to draw conclusions based on isolated examples, and even the most successful ones. There are certain procedures to identify influencing factors that are simply ignored in studies of financial success.

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