9th Class Chemistry Guess Paper Short Questions
Chemistry Guess Paper for 9th Class
Short Questions of 9th Class Chemistry Guess Paper
Physical Chemistry,
Organic & Inorganic Chemistry,
Mixture, Physical and Chemical Properties,
Valency, Diff b/w Compound & Mixture,
Empirical & Molecular Formula, Free radical, Avogadro Number,
Mole and Molecular Ion, Electronic Configuration (cl-1), Isotopes (hydrogen),
Domineer Trides, Branches of chemistry. Element. Valency.
Relative Atomic Mass, Empirical Formula, Molecular Ions
Free Redicals, Homoatomic and Hetroatomic Molecules,
Atomic Radius, Shielding Effect,
Electron Affinity,Electro-Negativity, Boiling Points and Allotropy.
Pros of higher education:
– With a diploma you can apply for leadership positions in government agencies.
– In almost all organizations, the main criterion for choosing an employee is the presence of higher education.
– At the university you can get special knowledge that will be available only there.
– The university teaches you to quickly organize and search for information, and also teaches independence and self-learning.
– Education at the university broadens the mind . There will be many items about which in ordinary life you can not even suspect.
– The university has to communicate with different people, which will help to improve communication skills and acquire useful contacts for the future.